I Don´t Love You Anymore
Section: New Czech Films and TV Programmes
Director: Zdeněk Jiráský / Czech Republic, Romania, Slovak Republic / 2023 / 109 min
Czech, Romanian / Czech subtitles, English subtitles
18:00 - 19:49
Golden Apple Cinema, sál 2
Scenárista a režisér. Vystudoval scenáristiku a dramaturgii na FAMU. Věnuje se zejména dokumentaristické TV tvorbě – např. snímky Krušné domovy (2009), Asák (2010) či Jagellonci (2012). Debutoval celovečerním dramatem Poupata (2011), dále natočil např. snímky V tichu (2014) či Bůh s námi (2018).
Marek films videos addressing social issues, alienating him from his classmates. At home, tensions rise as his mother's new relationship disrupts their once idyllic bond. In this delicate period, he meets Tereza, a year younger. Despite their differences, they find mutual affection, igniting their first love. Their teenage adventure spirals out of control when a staged abduction leads to running away from home. Boarding a train to the farthest destination, they soon lose themselves in the labyrinth of endless freedom.