Check the Czechs: Work in Progress

A presentation of four Czech short films for children and youth in the post-production phase.

Section: Zlín Industry Days

  • Adults and Students

45 min

Sunday 02. 06.
16:45 - 17:30

Congress Centre

A presentation of four Czech short films for children and youth in the post-production phase. The presentation is primarily intended for representatives of film festivals. The presented films were created with the support of the FILMTALENT ZLÍN Foundation.

Entry restricted to accredited film professionals only.
Language: English

FILMFEST, s.r.o.
Zlín Film Festival - mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež ve Zlíně je organizován
společností FILMFEST, s. r. o., se sídlem Filmová 174, 760 01 Zlín, ČR. - Nastavení cookies