Sex, TikTok & TV: Current trends in young adult productions volume 2

The debate loosely follows last year's panel focusing on the series TBH (Czech Television) and Sex O'Clock (Voyo). This year, we will discuss with the creators of the series Adikts and #annaismissing.

Section: Zlín Industry Days

  • Adults and Students

90 min

Saturday 01. 06.
17:00 - 18:30

Congress Centre

Young adult production is a growing trend in contemporary (not only) European television series. However, it's not just about successful formats or trending American series established on international VOD platforms. Domestic production in recent years has also brought successful projects for adolescent audiences, which are a national authorial response to foreign production. Can we observe established trends in Czech young adult production? What challenges do creators of series for the supposedly "uncaptured" target group face? And is linear television truly dead? The debate loosely follows last year's panel focusing on the series TBH (Czech Television) and Sex O'Clock (Voyo). This year, we will discuss with the creators of the series Adikts and #annaismissing, which have stirred up screens and social media platforms, what the domestic audience depends on, what international festivals say about Czech series, and is there still something missing in young adult production? The debate will be moderated by Jana Čížkovská, a dramaturge of acquisition at Czech Television, a festival curator, and a film journalist.

Entry restricted to accredited film professionals only.
Language: Czech, English

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