#YoungAdultAnimation: Is it time for a European adventure?

Authorial challenges in the field of animation for young adults from the perspectives of animation, production, dramaturgy, and curation.

Section: Zlín Industry Days

  • Adults and Students

90 min

Saturday 01. 06.
14:00 - 15:30

Congress Centre

When it comes to young adult animated production, many automatically think of the Cartoon Network, whose brand has dominated the market for over two decades. However, animation for adolescent audiences are not just series produced by mammoth American studios. More and more European producers are coming up with remarkable original films and series, although they often represent a small category in the catalogues of distribution companies and film festivals. What challenges are involved in creating animated titles for adolescent audiences in the digital age? How to reach the target audience amidst the competition from live-acted series and major brands? What is the approach of film festivals? And what is currently being created? We will discuss the authorial challenges in the field of animation for young adults from the perspectives of animation, production, dramaturgy, and curation. The debate will be moderated by Jana Čížkovská, a dramaturge of acquisition at Czech Television, a festival curator, and a film journalist.

Entry restricted to accredited film professionals only.
Language: Czech, English

FILMFEST, s.r.o.
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