Pitching as an opportunity to travel and explore the film market

Maria Motovska's masterclass, drawing on her own experience in the development of films and series.

Section: Zlín Industry Days

  • Adults and Students

90 min

Friday 31. 05.
15:00 - 16:30

Congress Centre

When is the right time to start talking openly about an idea? Whom to approach and where to test if our project has potential? Where to obtain funding and support for pitches or film markets? How to find suitable partners and co-producers? Maria Motovska's masterclass, drawing on her own experience in the development of films and series, should give you insight into how to show that you are planning something exceptional.
Maria Motovska is a graduate of UTB and FAMU in production. She completed her master's degree by founding the youth festival called Young Film Fest. While still a student, she worked at MAUR film, where she produced the project TROJHLAS, within which the Oscar-winning Daughter was created. Another of her short animated films, Red Shoes, premiered at Cannes and earned her a nomination for a Czech Lion. She worked in production at Czech Television for two years. She has already completed many projects of various formats and is a part of the companies MAUR film and Helium film. Currently, she works in Norway at Storyline Studios, where she works on a scripted series for Netflix.

Entry restricted to accredited film professionals only.
Language: Czech

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