Big Man

Little Man and his wife Majolenka run a snack kiosk for the forest inhabitants. They lead a peaceful life until Dr. Zetko, a cunning villain, appears, stirring up fear of the Deerfolk among the forest dwellers.

Section: New Czech Films and TV Programmes

  • Od 8 years
  • Animation
  • Love
  • Teamwork
  • Nature

Director: Radek Beran / Czech Republic / 2024 / 72 min
Czech / English subtitles

Jakub Červenka
Saturday 01. 06.
16:00 - 17:12

Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3


Fotografie z filmu od Alžběty Jungrové

Little Man and his wife Majolenka run a snack kiosk for the forest inhabitants. They lead a peaceful life until Dr. Zetko, a cunning villain, appears, stirring up fear of the Deerfolk among the forest dwellers. He demands obedience and money for protection against them, eventually subjugating everyone and establishing a dictatorship. Little Man and his friends take action, even befriending the Deerfolk, who are not actually evil. Dr. Zetko is defeated, restoring peace and tranquility to the forest.

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