
František delves into the depths of fantasy and gets lost in his drawings.

Section: International Competition of Short Animations for Children (up to 12 years of age)

Director: Jan B. Piskač / Czech Republic / 2024 / 5 min
No dialogues / No subtitles

Jan B.

Jan B. Piskač je studentem animované tvorby na pražské FAMU. Poslouchá rock 'n' roll a hodně jezdí na kole. V současné době připravuje svůj absolventský loutkový film Jackovo Divoké Srdce.

František delves into the depths of fantasy and gets lost in his drawings. Thoughts of his classmate Marie emerge as he delves deeper into his world.

This film screens as part of the programMarie and Other Animations.
This film screens as part of the programNeighbourhood - Short Animations.

FILMFEST, s.r.o.
Zlín Film Festival - mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež ve Zlíně je organizován
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