Kaytek the Wizard
Section: World Children´s Film Panorama
Director: Magdalena Lazarkiewicz / Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic / 2023 / 102 min
Czech / English subtitles
16:00 - 17:42
Golden Apple Cinema, sál 3
Magdalena Lazarkiewicz was born in 1958. She did cultural studies at the University of Wroclaw, attended the directing course at the Silezian University in Katowice and was director of the Jaracz Theatre in Olsztyn.
Every child wants to have magical powers. But what if they got them? One day, Kaytek, the class prankster, discovers he has supernatural abilities. This unusual talent, combined with the boy's unruly character, means a lot of trouble, not only for the school but also for the whole town. But things get complicated when the forces of good and evil start to compete for the boy gifted with magical abilities. Which side will the young wizard choose?